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On going research

Whilst we haven’t had a major new updates for a number of months, work is ongoing continuously in the background. In the last few days we have added a number of snippets of information and images to the 1960s pages – so its definitely worth giving them a re-read!

An Original Dalek Investigation

We have done an in-depth analysis of an original Dalek prop, which we were able to photograph nearly ten years ago. The page shows how the Dalek’s unique lumps and bumps could be used to confirm its use throughout the first decade of Doctor Who. Read the analysis of this original Shawcraft Dalek skirt here.

Exciting New Remembrance Info

We’ve been extremely lucky lately in being given hand-written FX notes from the production of Remembrance of the Daleks and it has given a fascinating insight into the production process. Jon has been working tirelessly on an update to theRemembrance section and the contemporary documents Gav has found threw up some interesting questions which have now […]